Are you between the ages of 15-18, returning back to school in September, and looking for summer employment? Join Kameel Sharma for a virtual information session about the Youth Job Connection Summer program! To register, please email or call 613-966-0205.
Get ready to nail your next interview! In this virtual workshop brush up on your interview skills and learn about different interview techniques and tricks to make a lasting impression. Contact CES for more details or to register: | 613-966-0205
Attention High School Students! Now is the time to start looking for a summer job. Not sure where to start? Join Kameel for a virtual workshop to learn about how to find a summer job. Contact Kameel for more information or to register: | 613-966-0205
Returning to in-person work has not been easy for anyone. We are realizing that getting back into old routines/habits to get through the work week are not a healthy way to live our lives. In this workshop learn to manage a healthy work-life balance and make self-care a priority in your life to minimize burnout. […]